That's a cup alright. Our inner child. Our sense of innocence, our idea of adventure and our source of magic that should be alive within all of us. The loss of this is what ever so often I can completely define as depression.
Our inner light.... What would we do without it? Isolate and wither away is what it all seems to point to.
Why not focus instead on healing our inner child? Everyday I see in this busy busy world neglect or shame of that inner child. Our society is almost programmed to feel shame at the existence of having an inner child .... "you're such a baby" the narcissist exclaims ...
Is it so bad or shameful to be a vulnerable baby? Let's all think about this in the near future to come. I will be back with more, someday.
Until then, please reach out by email msthinggonewild@outlook.com.