Everyone has their preferred method of expressing, showing, getting, or receiving love. Depending on the individual, one might come across or be otherwise reacted to or have a more profound effect.
The Five Love Languages are:
WORDS OF AFFIRMATION - Basically receiving validation and reassurance when you need it. Or, compliments.
QUALITY TIME - Spending uninterrupted quality one-on-one time with one another. Not being distracted by your phone, or anything else when your loved-one is talking to you or trying to have a conversation with you.
RECEIVING GIFTS - Especially important for someone who likes "something to hold onto." Receiving tangible or monetary gifts.
ACTS OF SERVICE - This (and words of affirmation) is my particular Love Language. Acts of Service is doing something kind for someone else altruistically (without expecting anything in return). Usually it's something that takes the burden of doing that act off of your loved one. "A simple act that lessens the load of the Mass."
PHYSICAL TOUCH - Physically touching, exchanging energy through actual physical touch. Could be a pat on the back (combined with words of affirmation: "good job, son,") or otherwise. Physical touch is physical affection.
I adopted this idea, with revisions, from this book. You can take their complimentary quiz to see what your love language is.